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As in the American Civil War?

Slavery and Federal vs States rights (i.e the role of government)

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Q: What were the two principal things about which the north and south quarreled?
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Did the north and south ever get along after the civil war?

Yes, because the South rejoined the North and things were worked out.

What are the 8 things on a compas?

The 8 main points on a compass are North, South, East, West. North East. North West, South East, South West.

Why do you think the north and south were not able to reach a compromise over slavery in 1861?

Because the north and the south wanted differnt things south wanted slavery, but the north wanted freedom.

What are four things the north have and the south doesnt?

Four things the north has that the south doesn't are: Ohio, New York, Montana, Illinois.

What is one of the earth's principal divisions of land?

A continent is one of Earth's principal divisions of land. There are seven continents, which are North America. Antarctica, South America, Asia, Africa, Europe, and Australia.

Economical differences between the north and south?

In the north there is a lot of industry which account's for a lot of things, but in the south there is mostly agriculture.

What could the north do to hurt the south's trade during the civil war?

Effective naval blockade of principal ports, and control of the Mississippi River

Where is a magnet's attraction the strongest?

It is at the poles; north and south. That is were things get attracted to

Why did the north and the south both need cotton?

They needed cotton because the South farmed. If they didn't have the cotton, the North could not make all of the things they made.

How are the north and the south different?

In the North you find the North Pole and is called the northern hemisphere and in the south, u find the southern hemisphere and the south pole. That is a very broad scale geographically wise. Type the question on the internet and there is lots of info about things like the cities in north and south, economics, such like.

Is considered to be the principal river of the US?

The Mississippi river running north to south from Minnesota to Louisiana and the Gulf of Mexico is considered the most important river in the USA.

Is Cardiff north or south of London?
