The medicine man in a tribes job was to treat the people in the tribe. He would try to remove any bad/evil spirits, and people who were ill within the tribe would go to him, for example if someone had a head-ache they would go to him and he would do an operation called "trephaning" were he would make a hole in the skull with a sharp rock.
my mom
Let's ask the tribe's medicine man for his opinion.
His Role Was To Hunt For Food
The Anishninabe tribe had specific roles for it's women, men, and children. The man's role in this tribe consisted mainly of hunting for their families and tribes. The man's role was also to hold the tribe meetings and teach their sons how to hunt.
A Medicine Man held an exhalted status in the tribe.
To be appointed as a medicine man which was a holy and very respectful placement to have in a tribe
Sitting Bull. He was also the medicine man for the Lakota tribe.
what was Pocahontas's role in the tribe
the shaman was the healer of the tribe and also spoke with the gods
In Native American cultures, individuals become medicine men by undergoing specific training and initiation rites within their community. Typically, they are chosen for their spiritual gifts, healing abilities, and knowledge of traditional medicines. Medicine men play a crucial role in providing spiritual guidance and healing practices within their tribe.
The cast of The New Medicine Man - 1914 includes: Chief Hailstorm as Undetermined Role Artie Ortego as Tall Feather - a Young Doctor
naturl plants and herbs are used from the tribe