Tea or "T". I'm not sure of the correct spelling. Most likely it was "tea".
No that is just a story people made up.
Marijuana-possess - possess marijuana over 20 grams
Lego City Police Code: iur8t wiwf2t7 .
The police code, 10-16, is for a domestic disturbance.
felony possession of marijuana with intent to sell
Some say it was the police code for a drug bust. And marijuana users then started having a hit of the drug at 4:20 pm. In October 2003, Senate Bill 420 was signed by the California governor, to be effective January 1, 2004. It calls for the regulation of medical marijuana usage.
The police code for an abandoned child is 48263.6. This code is listed under the Penal Code Section 270-273.75.
420 started somewhere in San Rafael, California in the late '70s. It started as the police code for Marijuana Smoking in Progress. After local heads heard of the police call, they started using the expression 420 when referring to herb - "Let's Go 420, dude!"
Slow walking zombie. I guess it's not a real code, but made up from MTV-series Death Valley.