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Q: What was the couse of the vitnam war?
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How many men were in the vitnam war in 1965?

Roughly 200,000 men.

How did Wayne die in 'when Zachary beaver came home''?

He was at war in Vitnam at the time and he died in the war

Why could the US not win the vitnam war?

Could not invade N. Vietnam. Could not use nukes.

What was the most common rifle in the vitnam war?

AK-47 and SKS for NVA and VC M-16 for USA

Who was the president you had while the vitnam war?

The U.S. involvement in the Vietnam war stretched from the administrations of Kennedy through Ford. The majority of the War occurred during the Lyndon Johnson and Nixon administrations.

How could someone ovoid the draft the vitnam war?

by going to colage and by geting imprisoned by like raping someone or fleeing country

When vitnam happen?

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What does the vitnam symbols and colour mean?

The flag colors mean... Red-the blood shed in the war Yellow star-they like yellow an they like stars

When and how long did you get to sleep during the vitnam war?

well depended on if you were in the fild or not and even if not invasions and more so it was unknow i sleep a max of 4 hours a night

Discuss effect of first and second world war on development of education in Kenya?

couse and and effect of first world war

What were the events leading up to the vitnam conflict?

Communist infiltration.