Most cramps have nothing to do with a dietary deficiency. When they are related to deficiency it is usually potassium and/ or magnesium (which are minerals - not vitamins). Fluid shifts, as occur after exercise and hot days, can also cause cramps.
i have always heard potassium for muscle cramps and twitches...
Getting leg cramps all the time could mean that you are lacking in a certain vitamin. You should go and book an appointment with your doctor and ask for some bloodwork to see what you are lacking in.
Vitamin B12
magnesium, vitamin A, and Vitamin D
you die of heavy pelvic cramps
Vitamin A. Lacking it can make you blind.
I've heard you can sometimes get cramps from lacking calcium.
You are more likely to get cramps during anaerobic exercise than during aerobic exercise. This is because your muscles are lacking oxygen.
eat bannanas the potassium stops cramps
If you are lacking in Vitamin B, You can suffer the following symptoms: Feeling unreal, Hearing your own thoughts, Anxiety and Inner tension, Inability to think straight, Suspicion of people, Good pain tolerance, seeing or hearing things abnormally, having delusions and frequent mood swings