Smallpox bacteria causes smallpox.
Smallpox is a virus and is caused by Variola major and/or Variola minor.
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You state that small pox virus causes small pox and you say small pox bacteria causes small pox.
Which one is it now?
Am I correct in saying that initially a form of bacteria causes infection that then turns into a virus(by product of cells excreting the toxins in the cells,caused by the bacterial infection)?
What type of bacteria would this be,has it been identified yet?
Variola is the by-product of the bacterial infection & the virus is not the cause of the infection?
In fact all pandemics have been started with a bacterial infection that had viruses as by-products/waste?
Furthermore that viruses are non-contagious and can`t be carried over from one person to the next as they are non-living matter?
Looking forward to your honest & truthful reply.
Thank you.