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If a client has a good rapport and a comfortable relationship with his or her physician, they will feel more at ease with the doctor. They will be less stressed by the situation, and they will probably be more frank and honest about symptoms they're experiencing. In addition, lots of symptoms can be exacerbated by stress, which is not a risk when the patient is comfortable with the physician.

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Q: What value does establishing rapport with a patient have for the client's physical well being?
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Building rapport with clients is essential for establishing trust and understanding in a professional relationship.

Name 3 purposes of establishing a rapport with client?

Establishing rapport puts the client at ease, gains trust and allows for improved gains in treatment (therapy).

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It improves the chances of a sale.

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Building rapport with clients is a crucial skill for successful sales professionals.

What is therapeutic rapport?

A feeling of trust and understanding that develops between the therapist and the patient.

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They maintain a cordial atmosphere and a friendly rapport patient.

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Continuous self-reflection and professional development to enhance skills and knowledge. Establishing a strong therapeutic rapport with clients through empathy and active listening. Adhering to ethical guidelines and boundaries to ensure client safety and confidentiality.

What are some of the advantages of establishing rapport?

Establishing rapport helps to build trust and connection with others, improves communication and understanding, and promotes better collaboration and teamwork. It also creates a positive environment for relationship building and can lead to more successful outcomes in various interactions.

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establishing rapport?

Can you give an example of a sentence using the word rapport?

The therapist and the client quickly built a strong rapport during their first session, establishing a sense of trust and connection that allowed for open communication.

Why is rapport necessary when dealing with customers?

Building rapport with the customers is an essential business skills. It is your personal relationship that you build with your clients that will make different that decides whether someone will purchase through you or someone else.