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The typical would depend on what type of anesthesia but usually they are fairly low than usual but still within normal limits.

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Q: What typically happens to a patients vital signs following surgery?
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What aftercare may be involved after gastroesophageal reflux surgery?

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Weight loss varies from person to person. However, patients who undergo gastric surgery typically lose about 10 to 20 pounds per month during the first year following surgery and half or more of their excess weight after two years.

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Patients may go home after being released following surgery and time spent in the recovery room .

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patients often regain some of the lost weight. But few patients regain it all. Of course, diet and activity level after surgery also play a role in how much weight a patient may ultimately lose.

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Though it does not occur in all patients (5% to 20%, depending on the extremity and extent of the dissection), it can be a disabling symptom.

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Lens replacement surgery is typically recommended for patients who are experiencing vision problems due to cataracts or other refractive errors, such as nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism. The procedure is also commonly performed on patients who are not eligible for LASIK surgery or other vision correction procedures.

What aftercare is prescribed for patients following tube-shunt surgery?

topical antibiotics and steroids. In addition, oral steroids may be given to patients who had ocular inflammation prior to surgery. Some surgeons use atropine to maintain the eye in a temporary dilated state