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White vinegar can.

Probably a lemon could help.

But I know that on pennies when they get calcium buildup you can use coco cola or ketchup to eat it away.

Ketchup can also clean real silver and real gold; Mean while if you get stung by a bee and tape a penny to the throbbing area pain as well as vennum will come out.And a Coca Cola put into a container of water will sink all the way to the bottom.

Just some useful tips(:

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Q: What types of vinegar dissolve calcium?
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Can vinegar dissolve rocks?

Calcium acetate is reasonably soluble in water, so vinegar will dissolve limestone (calcium carbonate).

What will dissolve calcium deposits effectively?

Vinegar and other acidic solutions can effectively dissolve calcium deposits.

Why vinegar can be used for colouring egg?

Vinegar is acidic. An acid will dissolve (partially at least) the calcium of the shell.

Why can vinegar dissolve away eggshells?

Vinegar is an acid (acetic acid) it dissolves calcium quite readily. Don't leave a puddle of vinegar on your marble bench or table top either, it will dissolve that soft stone too!

How many millimeters is a egg after being in vinegar?

Because vinegar will dissolve the calcium shell of an egg, the egg will increase in size by about 30 to 60 millimeters after being in vinegar.

Can vinegar dissolve cement?

Vinegar is not strong enough to dissolve cement. Cement is a construction material composed of calcium, silicon, aluminum, and iron that requires much stronger chemicals for dissolution.

Can pearl melt in vinegar?

No, pearls are formed from calcium carbonate, a compound that is not affected by acetic acid found in vinegar. Pearls are not soluble in vinegar and will not melt or dissolve when exposed to it.

What mineral is depleted when bones are soaked in white vinegar?

Calcium is a mineral that can be depleted from bones when they are soaked in white vinegar. The acidity of the vinegar can help to dissolve the calcium in the bones, making them more flexible and easier to work with in certain culinary applications.

Will vinegar dissolve aluminum?

No, vinegar will not dissolve aluminum.

What will dissolve calcium phosphate?

Calcium phosphate can be dissolved in acidic solutions, such as hydrochloric acid or nitric acid, which will react with the calcium phosphate to form soluble calcium salts. Additionally, some chelating agents like EDTA can also be used to dissolve calcium phosphate.

Why does chalk dissolve in certain liquids?

Chalk is primarily composed of calcium carbonate, which tends to dissolve in acidic solutions. When placed in acidic liquids, such as vinegar, the acid reacts with the calcium carbonate to form soluble calcium acetate, carbon dioxide gas, and water, leading to the dissolution of the chalk.

Will salt dissolve faster in vinegar or salt?

Depends on the pH of the water but it would dissolve faster in fresh water because there isn't as much stuff in solution. true... but it took me about 8.30 seconds to dissolve with the perfect pH.....