Bro the weakest strain of weed is swag depending but it also depends on how they grew it if they gave it eoungh light or nutrients
It is called "Dirt". Its the cheapest and weakest, and sometimes it doesnt even have any affect. Next is "Regs", which is a little better
moon jellyfish
I heard it was "popcorn" bud. I've tried it, and it took three bowls to get me tap dancing.
Van der Waals forces are the weakest of all the common types of chemical bonds. These forces are temporary and non-specific interactions between molecules.
Yes. Some types of marijuana can make you feel drowsy and lazy.
poison oak
The three major types of radiation in order from weakest to strongest are alpha, beta, and gamma radiation. Alpha radiation consists of helium nuclei and is the weakest, beta radiation consists of fast-moving electrons or positrons, and gamma radiation is high-energy electromagnetic radiation.
Marijuana is officially a natural plant. But there are types that involve chemicals (what is called a nice guy on the street and more)
marijuana and crack cocaine
Certain types of marijuana do.
I live in Southern California in a town which is about only 5 miles away from the Mexico border. Mexico marijuana harvesters grow hundreds of different types of marijuana.