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some kind of associative memories

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Q: What type of memories are stored in the cerebellum?
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Where are long term memories stored?

In the cerebellum!

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If the were damaged you would have difficulty forming new memories.?


How are memories and skills stored?

Memories are stored in the brain through the strengthening of connections between neurons, forming neural pathways. Skills are stored similarly, with repeated practice and reinforcement leading to the creation of specific neural networks dedicated to that skill. Both memories and skills are encoded in different regions of the brain, depending on the type of memory or skill being stored.

Most memories are stored in the?


Are memories stored in your spinal lobe?

no.memories are stored in your temporal lobes.

Where are memories stored in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows?

Typically, memories are stored in Dumbledore's pensieve (when not in their original owner's heads). But specifically in Deathly Hallows, Snape's memories are stored (temporarily) in a vial that Hermione conjured. They are later dumped into the aforementioned pensieve.

In "exhalation", what is the narrator initial belief about memroy?

memories are stored as a series of gear rotations and switches

What type of action is controlled by the cerebellum?

The cerebellum controls and coordinates posture, balance and movements, especially rapid, skilled movements.

What are the two primary functions of the cerebellum?

The cerebellum is involved in the coordination of voluntary motor movement, balance and equilibrium and muscle tone.

What brain part keeps memories?

the cerebellum, my friend._____________Above answer is incorrect, the cerebellum is responsible for balance, gait, coordinated movements, etc. It is the hippocampus that is responsible for memory.

Does multiple sclerosis usually attack the cerebellum?

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