through there noseDude, wolves have lungs too.When a gray wolf inhales the oxygen travels down the esophagus and travels the length of the bronchi where the oxygen is removed, it is exahaled as co2
Posterior Horns.
The cast of Travels with My Camera - 1994 includes: Muriel Gray as Herself - Presenter
The anterior gray horn of the spinal cord carries motor signals from the central nervous system to the muscles in the body. These signals are responsible for controlling voluntary muscle movements.
A signal travels through neurons as electrical impulses, crosses synapses by releasing neurotransmitters, then continues along the neural pathway to the brain. Once in the brain, the signal is processed in different regions to be interpreted and respond to accordingly.
First order sensory neurons begin in the receptor, travel to dorsal/posterior gray horn of the spinal cord where they synapse with the second order sensory neurons.
The cast of Impulse - 1922 includes: Ashton Dearholt as Count Sansone Jack Dougherty as Robert Addis Neva Gerber as Julia Merrifield Douglas Gerrard as David Usher Helen Gilmore as Mrs. Cameron Miss Gray as Felicia Golda Madden as Virginia Howard
posterior part
No. In a conversation with the Dapple-Gray about the detestable Yahoos, Gulliver suggests that the Houyhnhnms exterminate the Yahoos through the benevolent use of castration. The Dapple-Gray then brought the idea before the Grand Assembly. Yes, the Dapple-Gray did suggest castration, but it was originally Gulliver's idea (from his experience with horses in England) and it was suggested as a means for annihilating the Yahoos. They would castrate the Yahoos and let them slowly die out, thus exterminating them.
The cast of Putt-Putt Travels Through Time - 1997 includes: Scott Burns as Mr. Firebird Hasson El Amin Jason Ellefson as Putt-Putt Lisa Estridge Gray Bill Johns Karen Kay Cody Laurie Linner Bob Morrisey Robert Nadir David Scully Michael Shapiro as Merlin the Magician Kimberly Suskind Lauren Tewes