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Q: What type of health record is designed to measure clinical outcomes and collect data at the point of care and provide medical alerts?
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Why can't a clinical thermometer be used to measure high temperature?

Because it has been designed to measure accurately over a narrow range of temperatures found in clinical medicine.

Can you measure the temperature of a hot tea with a clinical thermometer?

No, the temperature of hot tea is substantially higher than the maximum that a clinical thermometer is designed for.

What would happen if you used a clinical thermometer to measure a hot drink?

Using a clinical thermometer to measure a hot drink can result in inaccurate readings as most clinical thermometers are not designed to measure temperatures of hot drinks. This can damage the thermometer and give false temperature values. It is recommended to use a thermometer specifically designed for measuring high temperatures in such cases.

Can you measure the temperature of hot tea with a clinical thermometer and why?

No, a clinical thermometer is not suitable for measuring the temperature of hot tea as it is designed for measuring human body temperature. The high temperature of the hot tea could damage the clinical thermometer or give inaccurate readings. It is better to use a food thermometer designed for measuring the temperature of liquids.

Why do you think that the clinical thermometer has a short range of temperature?

It is designed to measure the temperature of the human body and so does not require a long range.

Are digital and clinical thermometers same?

Digital and clinical thermometers are not necessarily the same. Digital thermometers can encompass a wider range of types, including both clinical and non-clinical variations. Clinical thermometers, on the other hand, are specifically designed for medical use to measure body temperature accurately.

Difference between laboratory and clinical thermometer?

A laboratory thermometer is used to measure temperature with high precision in controlled environments, such as in research labs. Clinical thermometers are designed to measure body temperature for medical purposes, typically with less precision but greater convenience for home use.

Can a clinical thermometer be used to measure the temperature of boiling milk?

No, a clinical thermometer is not designed to handle high temperatures like those of boiling milk. It may break or provide inaccurate readings. It is better to use a kitchen thermometer that is designed for higher temperature measurements.

Can you measure temperature of hot tea with a clinical thermometer?

no. as the clinical thermometr will burst

Measure of uncertainty about outcome?

This is known as probability, which quantifies the likelihood of different outcomes occurring in an uncertain situation. It provides a measure of how confident we can be about the different potential outcomes.

Why clinical thermometers are used to measure the temperature of boiling water?

Clinical thermometers are generally not used to measure the temperature of boiling water as they are designed for measuring human body temperature. It is recommended to use a thermometer specifically made for measuring high temperatures, such as a laboratory thermometer, for measuring the temperature of boiling water to ensure accuracy and safety.

Does clinical thermometer measures temperature in Celsius or Fahrenheit?

clinical thermometers measure temperature in Celsius.