The type that you like.
nice cute guys with a nice hair cut
Hades, just Hades.
Dumb ones
If you mean "What do white girls look for in guys?"; well, it depends on the girl. Some girls like the tough type, others the sensitive type, and I myself like the nice, funny type.
It all has to do with how the girl is. Not all girl are going to like the same type of guy. Some girl like out going guys and others like smart guys, so you have to get to know the girl to find out what is her type.
Most guys are wierd and like girls who wear Heels. Some guys like girl who normally wear sneakers, but most guys like the girls in heels... As long as theyre pretty heels and not Lady GaGa Style type shoes... Haha
If you mean what type of guys DO girl like, they like guys who are honest and accept them for who ther aye (unless their hookers/sluts/whores/prostitute/etc.). Girls also like guys who don't pretend to be someone else (I.E don't act like their crush so the crush thinks they have things in common and when they start going out find out that's not who you are) So, be yourself and accept her for who she is and shell like you!!
because those guys care for her so they do nice things for her to show there manners. maybe ur friend likesmthose type of guys instead of the cussing/partying/ type of guys
sometimes a lot of girls are different
Anyone they want to like. They don't have to like a certain race.
Normally not. Preppy girls are classic and elegant; whereas "rocker type guys" are punk style, funky and outstanding.