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Q: What type of fiber is readily digested by colonic bacteria?
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What fiber is digested by colonic bacteria?


What plays a role in the breakdown of certain types of dietary fiber in the large intestine?

A) Bacteria B) Small intestinal villus cell C) Colonic cells D) Pancreas The correct answer is A) Bacteria

What plays a major role in the breakdown of certain types of dietary fiber in large intestine?

A) Bacteria B) Small intestinal villus cell C) Colonic cells D) Pancreas The correct answer is A) Bacteria

What plays a major role in the breakdown of certain types of dietary fiber in the large intestines?

A) Bacteria B) Small intestinal villus cell C) Colonic cells D) Pancreas The correct answer is A) Bacteria

What are the rough parts of food that cannot be digested?

Fiber is the rough parts of some fruits, vegetables, and grains that cannot be digested.

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What nutrient is not digested but stimulates intestinal muscle contractions?

The nutrient that is not digested but stimulates intestinal muscle contractions is fiber. Fiber is a type of carbohydrate that may be soluble or insoluble.

Are fibers digested by humans?

depends on the fiber.... what kind of fiber dear?

Can glycogen be digest?

Glycogen can be digested by humans. Chitin and Cellulose, also knows as fiber, can not be digested by humans.

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wool is a fiber and it cannot be digested

What are the parts of food that cannot be digested?

Fiber is the rough parts of some fruits, vegetables, and grains that cannot be digested.

Which of the following cannot be digested by humans-sucrose maltose cellulose or fructose?

Cellulose cannot be digested by humans.Cellulosecellulosehumans cannot digest cellulosecelluloseCelluloseCellulose (aka Fiber) can not be digested by humans because, we don't have the bacteria needed to break down cellulose. Sucrose, Maltose, and Fructose are all disaccharides (carbohydrates/sugars) and are all able to be broken down to glucose in the body.