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A sneeze is caused by the muscular and nervous system working together.

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Q: What two systems work together to make a person sneeze and how?
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u sneeze on your hand and shake the person hand and sneeze agin but on them.

Why is a sneeze called a sneeze?

Because when you sneeze the sound you make is "SNEEZE!" ^No, it really isn't. I've not heard one person say "SNEEZE" when they sneeze, ever in my life. I've heard people say "Achoo", "Atishoo" and other ones, but never "SNEEZE".

How do the respiratory and circulatory system work together to make a person breathe in and out?

They don't. The CNS, muscular, and skeletal systems do.

Is there any connection among systems in the human body?

Yes, they are all joined together to make a living person.

How can tomato ketchup make you sneeze?

It can make you sneeze if your allergic to tomato ketchup.

Why doesn't salt make you sneeze?

Salt doesn't make you sneeze because, well basicly its salt. but pepper does make you sneeze. hope this helps:)

What would make you sneeze often during the day?

i would sneeze my.........

A radioative substance can make another object radioactive this is similar to?

transferring a virus to another person by means of a sneeze

What kind of things make dogs sneeze?

The same things that make a human black pepper.

Who can tomato ketchup make you sneeze?

Tomato ketchup could make one sneeze if one were to insert it into one's nose.

How is sneezing like a bee?

Many people make funny noises when they sneeze. Some may make a high pitched noise like the buzzing of a bee when they sneeze. Everyone has a different sound when they sneeze.

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