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ask him if he feels as though you've been more stretched out over the past three months than the first time you guys had sexual intercourse,

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Q: What to talk about with your boyfriend of 3months?
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Get over it!

What do you talk about with your boyfriend in person?

Talk to him the way you would talk to a friend. After all, he is you boyFRIEND.

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Any respectable boyfriend will not talk too much about his girlfriend.

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Make efforts to become better than her boyfriend, and she will talk about you to her ex-boyfriend.

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talk to him

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Your boyfriend wants to hang out more often with you because he enjoys your company and would love to take your relationship to a new level.

What does boyfriend mean in text talk?

Boyfriend or Bestfriend.

What can you do when your boyfriend doesn't talk to you?

When your boyfriend is ignoring you it is not a good sign. Talk to him when no one is around, but don't sound desperate.

What is the gestation period of an albatross?

3months - 2 years

Things to talk about with your boyfriend?

You can talk about how they are feeling, or anything that they're into.

When on the phone with your boyfriend what do you talk about?

You should be able to talk about everything. A boyfriend should be your best friend as well as your boyfriend. So you should be able to talk about planes, cars, girls, boys, family, friends, and everything inbewteen.