Make him less boring ask him questions then tell him to ask you. The conversation can get pretty interesting if you ask questions. A question that you could ask him is do you think im pretty or who are the prettiest girls you know.
Don't talk about work or the weather. Let Her do the talking and pay attention!
it means you're good looking and not much fun to talk to
Guy talk, in the most basic definition, is conversation between one or more guys that revolves around topics that would not normally be discussed around women. Usually, the discussion would be boring, misunderstood or offend certain women, or about women in general.
It means he himself is very boring.
Don't be boring! He wouldn't say you're boring if you were anything but boring. Additionally; learning to properly use the English language, either written or spoken, will greatly help in your quest to have a conversation with this person; assuming their first language is English as well. From the looks of your question though, this person may be mistaking your "anything but boring" persona with someone of lower intelligence or lacking in education.
mike boring
just sit next to him and talk about how boring someting is then he will agree then he'll say something else that's on the subject then your back on track with him. also you'll probably get his number
put him down easy
first, talk to her man, second, when you do try not to just talk about boring stuff. like weather and how cold it is. and if she does something stupid, make fun of her for it, just not too much. Remember even if your nervous, fake it, dont show it.
it's a boring talk why dont we talk about interesting things
it's a boring talk why dont we talk about interesting things
it is super boring): why do we have to talk about it