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There are too many reasons why that could happen. Best advice is to visit your doctor.

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Q: What to take if it burns were you pee?
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It burns when pee and its white when ypu pee?

You have a yeast infection. Go and see your doctor

Why is my vagina have bumps and is red and burns to pee?

you might have a STD

My stomach hurts. my pee slightly burns after I pee. I go to the bathroom every 30 minutes. If I am experiencing those following symptoms then what is wrong with me?

my stomach hurts when i pee and i pee every 30 mins

When i pee it burns. what should i do?

Go see your doctor, you may have an STD or thrush

When i pee it burns bad and it deosn't have a lot of pressure what could that be?

maybe you have a UTI.

When your pee burns do you need to drink water?

no you might have an STI go to your local GP

Why are you doing the pee pee dance and you have to go pee?

i guess it helps take your mind away from the urge to pee or something.

It burns to pee and your a girl who had unprotected sex?

Probably a bladder infection. But it could be an STD. See your doctor.

If it burns when you pee is it a sign of pregnancy?

No. It sounds more like you either havea urinary tract infection or a STD.

What is the royal ballet performing?

abc is easy as 123 so simple as std's if you sleep with me and it burns when you pee you have std's

How do you take care of the sting feeling from when you pee?

When you pee, you heal the infection that is causing the stinging.

Can you train your adult dog to pee on a pee pad?

Every time yer dog pees on the floor, pick her up or take her to the pee pad and lightly scold it when it doesn't go on the pee pad. If you take it to the pad everytime he does it on the floor, he will evevtually learn he has to go on the pee pad/