People tend to be a bit of a smart with the wrong answers here. Actually, if your cleansing naturally with your liver, be warned that it takes anywhere from 42 to 52 hours. Drink LOTS of water, baking soda and Vitamin B1 to keep your pee yellow. The stuff you buy at the head shops MIGHT work, but you have to follow the directions EXACTLY as on the box. Very expensive 50 - 80 bucks, if it doesn't work. The reason is that they are ALL just a mask, not a cleanser. Whizzinators will work, but the urine collectors are now having the donator show his genital area before he urinates, so beware and know your urine collector. Timing is the actual key. Good Luck.
No, you need to drain and flush the system.
Give yourself up.
Flush the cooling system? Flush the fuel system? Flush the hydraulic brake system? Flush the AC system? Flush the transmission? Pick one.
You can flush your system naturally by drinking plenty of water on a daily basis and eating healthily. If you stick to a water, raw vegetable and fruit diet for a few days, your body will get rid of built-up toxins.
How can you flush benzos out of your system
Drain the cooling system and flush it with plenty of water. You might need to remove the thermostats in order for good circulation of the flush. First of all you need to remedy the source of the fuel entering the cooling system.
You flush it down the toilet after you eat it
eat it, flush it, feed it to your dog.
Flush em out.
The way to cleanse a body to rid THC is to drink lots of water. Stop smoking the marijuana. One can also take pills that will flush the system clean or mask the drug.
get rid of it or flush it down a tolette