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You should force the person to Stop, Drop, and Roll by throwing a heavy blanket on them, pushing them toward the ground, and telling them the command, "Stop, Drop, Roll". Once you can get the person onto the ground, make sure the blanket is between you and the flames, and roll the person AWAY from you.

If you don't have a heavy blanket, you can use a heavy coat or any heavy non-plastic fabric.

If you have nothing but bare hands, you can:

  • use a water hose
  • use a fire extinguisher

The first goal is to douse the flames.

The second goal is immediate first aid, including:

  • call or tell someone to call 911 immediately
  • stay with the patient to calm and reassure the patient
  • keep the patient laying down
  • do NOT use any kind of cream, Vaseline, butter, or oil on burned skin -- these will keep the tissues hot on the inside and causes more tissue destruction
  • do NOT try to remove debris or clothing stuck to the skin; douse any remaining clothing still burning -- debris stuck to the skin must be removed by burn specialists at the hospital
  • protect the eyes with a strip of a cotton bedsheet soaked in cool water
  • soak a full, plain, clean bedsheet in cool water and wrap the burned area (or entire person if burns are extensive) in the cool, wet sheet
  • do NOT give the burned patient food or drink
  • do NOT give the burned patient any kind of medicines, including over-the-counter pain relievers
  • stay to give details to the police, fire, and paramedics
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16y ago

Okay -- Long Answer Alert: * The first thing you do at any fire is let everyone else near you know. That way, if the fire gets out of control, there are no surprises. * If you are trained in how to fight this type of fire, and are absolutely certain beyond any doubt you can control it, then do it, and clean the area in such a manner that there's no chance of a reignition. Things like your BBQ flaring up outside in a safe location -- close the lid. And you're done. * If it's anything more than that, e.g. a fire that will last more than about 10 seconds once you start fighting it, then hit the Fire Alarm. Also call 911 or assign two other people to call 911 (that way if one can't find a phone...). * Watch for and avoid smoke and fumes. * Smother the fire. The best way is with the corrrect extinguisher (which you are presumably trained in using). Aim for the base of the fire. Don't stop until you're certain the fire is completely extinguished, or you run out of extinguisher. You can also smother some fires with water, a blanket, dirt, etc. * Avoid smoke, fumes, hot gasses. If you decide to escape, stay low to the ground -- hot gasses rise. * All through this time, be planning your exit strategy -- how will you get out if you lose control of the fire? * Once the fire us under control, stick around until you can hand off the scene to other first responders. That way they'll know they found the fire you called about, and not another fire :} * Unless you know exactly how to fight the fire, and you're doubly certain you can do so, escape is your best alternative. * Take a moment to go over the escape route in your head. Don't just start running. * Do not enter a smoke-filled room! Use another route. * Plan on some smoke and fumes. Stay low. Consider alternate routes. * Feel any doors before opening. If the knob or the door itself is not, that path is compromised. Don't open it (the rush of air from when you open it can cause effects that act a lot like explosions). Any doors you enter, close them behind you * Close all doors you pass, but don't go out of your way to close a door. * Don't use escalators. * When you reach safety, make sure you check in with whoever is coordinating the fire scene. You don't want a rescue team running back in to save you when you're already outside. * First read the ESCAPE section. * Do not rescue anyone you are not sure you can rescue and still get out yourself. Better to have someone alive and well to give directions to a rescue team, than two victims at an unknown location. * While speed is important, take a moment to assess your rescue and plan how you and the victim(s) will escape. Don't just run off. Don't get lost (remember, even your own home looks very different when there's floor to ceiling smoke). * If your victim is ambulatory, great -- try and keep them with you and guide them. * If your victim is not ambulatory, find a means to transport them. If you can carry them or drag them, that'll work but it's your last resort (Note that body drags -- your hands under their arms, their back against your chest -- work best if you can hoist the victim high up, so you're standing nearly upright -- holding them around your knees will Not work). * If you can find a wheelchair or fire rescue chair (that handles stairs, use it). * If you can find a blanket (or even a sports coat), you can blanket-drag an unconscious victim a long ways. Watch for stairs using this method. * If you need to administer CPR, note that you should not start until you're both safe. It's no good to get your victim breathing again only to find you both have no escape route. * Report your victim's injuries to EMS personnel. Don't assume they'll get it all doing their own assessment. * Once free, see to your victim. Make sure you check in for both of you with whoever is running the scene. This is only the most basic of fire and rescue techniques. Until you've actually tried techniques like blanket drags, fireman's carries, etc. you don't know how they'll work in real. Practice and drills make rescue work. Note that this is a generic explanation. Special consideration cites: Hospitals, chemical plants, etc. will have special considerations.

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13y ago

If it is a small fire, see if you can put it out using available fire extinguisher or water.

If you can't put it out immediately, or if it is a large fire, have everyone leave, get to a safe place, and call the fire department.

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13y ago

Try to put it out (e.g. a fire extinguisher).

If nothing works, evacuate everyone from the house, apartment, building, etc. including yourself.

Then call the fire brigade.

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13y ago

go home and pretend it wasn't you

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