If u get burnt from cooking or something or u just touched something really hot and got burnt what you should do it may sound really weird but put tomato paste not sauce but paste around the injury and wrap it with aluminum foil and call your doctor
When a spy is "burned" it means he is usually fired or someone wants to kill him and or got him fired.
they would cry then put the burn inwater
Blisters are the one which will develop when a skin gets burned
he gets burned in a agknee KIA dual with his father
she gets burned on her calf and hands
Yes, someone can survive from the sun and that person is superman
he gets hard
If your green anole gets burned, you should keep it in a cool, but not that cool spot for about a minute or two, then put it in a place at room temperture, and it should take a few months for it to heal
It gets its gas from being pressed under the ground for thousands of years and gets burned into gasoline.
the skin gets burned off by a docter who can do it
The witch gets burned, yo.