Stop care, cover the patient to maintain privacy. Leave the room and go back in approx. 30 mins to finish care.
Meaning, erect human. (Standing up/walking).
No, the word 'erect' is a verb (erect, erects, erecting, erecting) and an adjective.The noun forms of the verb to erect are erection and the gerund, erecting.The noun form of the adjective erect is erectness.
Erect is defined as:Raise: construct, build, or erect; "Raise a barn"Upright in position or posture; "an erect stature"; erect flower stalks; for a dog, an erect tail indicates aggressionRear: cause to rise upTumid: of sexual organs; stiff and rigid-
To erect a building means to build or put up a building. An erection however generally refers to a stiff (erect) penis
Erect the Youth Problem was created in 2004.
Erect-crested Penguin was created in 1888.
Yes. Numbats often carry their tail erect.
Erect-crested penguins ated krill and squid.
lololllololoolollol no
Why do countries sometimes erect trade barriers
The words elect and erect have completely different meanings... Erect --- upright, construct, build Elect --- choose, nominate
An African man's penis can grow up to 35cm erect and 15cm non-erect. Some men, their non-erect length is only 1/3 or 1/4 of their erect length.