If you are still concious, call 911 to have your head checked, if you loose conciousness, hopefully a friend or family member will call 911 for you.
if someone hits their head and faints you should always leave them lying on the floor because he or she might faint again
As a child, she was hit in the head by a blunt object by a slave owner and it damaged her brain and her skull. After that, she fainted at the randomest times!
When girls are hit in the gut,the impact not only hurts them but they also have trouble breathing,causing them to faint.
As long as you are conscious and not feeling like you will faint, I wouldn't worry about it, otherwise see a physician.
yes you kind of can, if you are about to faint whist getting the symtoms of it you can then put you head between your knees to let the blood flow to your head since fainting is a loss of blood to the head, then you will have the symptoms put wont faint!
Lie down before you fall and hit your head.If you're going to faint from dehydration, drink water if you have the time.
Everybody has different experiences when they faint, some feel dizzy others hungry and sick or have severe migraines. But if you have any of these symptoms lay down face front on the floor or at the very least have a glass of water or rest your head on the table. Your blood pressure is low when you faint which means not enough blood is getting to your head, if you make your body level with your head then the blood circulation should carry on as normal. Don't attempt to walk any further- you will faint.
You Hit the Nail on the Head was created in 1972.
No, my dog has never hit their head on the floor.
A hit to the head
When you hit your head on something.
Fusionfallwiki.com they may have it LOL! faint.... : o FATALITY....