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You can still be freinds, just don't lead her on.

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Q: What to do if an ugly girl likes you?
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Why wont a man sleep with a girl he likes?

He will sleep with a girl, but not yo ugly ass!!

There is a boy and he likes this other girl but it seems he likes me what do you do?

# # talk to the girl try to be her friend # if she is ugly and your cue then your in# if she is not ugly get pretty# then flirt with him a lot and if he ask just say ' why did you ask me that ? are you saying you like me' then you just truned the tables on him so get out of him make him say that he likes you # GOOD LUCK

What does it mean when a girl calls you ugly?

It means she probally likes you and doesnt know how to express herself by simply saying she likes you

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The type of girl prodigy is in to is a girl that is mindless 24/7 and she is herself likes him the way he is and has a great personalities but he likes ugly or cute girls eather one that is the type of girl he is into.

What is prodigy's type of girl?

The type of girl prodigy is in to is a girl that is mindless 24/7 and she is herself likes him the way he is and has a great personalities but he likes ugly or cute girls eather one that is the type of girl he is into.

Is selens gomezugly?

shes ugly no one likes that ugly girl miley and demi and Jonas is better than the ugly witch and dumb than accuc manncit

What does the name witney mean?

an ugly girl that no one likes not even _______________________________ this was Natasha 15 years

What is Princeton interested in?

he likes girls that can make him laugh and with good smiles , but he belives that no girl is ugly so i guess any girl.

If a girl likes me should I reject her or not?

If shes hot or nice dont reject her but if she is mean or ugly reject her

Does Justin like a ugly girl but she make him laugh?

no he said without saying he really likes pretty girls

Who likes an ugly beast?

Another Ugly beast

How does an ugly girl get a boyfriend?

just keep trying to find someone who likes you there are plenty of people in this world. theres no such thing as ugly every girl is pretty in there own waay ps if you have any more questions i will gladly answer them j stopard