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Wrap it in a cool wet cloth to ease some of the pain, have the person sit down and watch them until paramedics or other medical help arrives. NEVER APPLY ANY CREAMS OR could make it worse, let the medical people deal with it.

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Q: What to do first to help a burn victim who has surface burns from hot steam?
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Why are burns so painful?

Steam burns are painful because they damage the skin just like any other burn. Steam burns hurt because the water in steam keeps the heat trapped in the skin.

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Why burn caused due to steam is more severe than the boiling water at same temperature?

Burns caused by steam are more severe than burns caused by boiling water at the same temperature because steam contains more heat energy than water. When steam comes into contact with skin, it releases this heat energy rapidly, resulting in more severe burns. Additionally, steam can penetrate deeper into the skin due to its gaseous nature, causing more extensive damage.

Why water as ice has a cooling effect whereas water as a steam cause severe burns?

When ice comes in contact with a surface, it absorbs heat energy from that surface to melt into water, causing a cooling effect. On the other hand, steam has a high temperature and releases heat energy when it comes into contact with a cooler surface, which can cause severe burns. This difference in temperature and heat transfer properties is what leads to the cooling effect of ice and the burn hazard of steam.

Why are steam burns on the skin so severe?

Steam burns are often more severe than other types of burns because steam transfers a large amount of heat energy to the skin very quickly. This rapid transfer of heat can cause damage to multiple layers of skin, resulting in deeper burns compared to other sources of burns. Additionally, the high temperature of steam can lead to more extensive tissue damage and a higher risk of infection.

What is produced when petrol burns in a car engine?

complete combustion producies co2 and steam incomplete co and steam

Why is steam at 100degree celsius more dangerous than water at 100degree celsius?

Steam at 100 degrees Celsius is more dangerous than water at 100 degrees Celsius because steam carries more heat energy and can cause deeper burns on contact with skin. Additionally, steam has a greater ability to penetrate clothing and protective gear, increasing the risk of burns.

Who first successfully used a steam engine to removed oil beneath the earth's surface?

Colonel Edwin Drake

Who first successfully used a steam engine to remove oil from beneath the earth surface?

Colonel Edwin Drake

First successfully used a steam engine to remove oil from beneath the earths surface?

Edwin L. drake

Why does steam cause more severe skin burns than liquid water at its boiling point?

Hot water has a maximum temperature of 100 degrees centigrade. If it goes beyond that it is now steam. Steam burns are more dangerous because they are much hotter than water.

What cause more burns steam or boiling water?

Steam can cause more severe burns than boiling water because steam has a higher heat energy content. When steam comes into contact with the skin, it releases this heat energy, causing more damage than boiling water at the same temperature.