If you are a boy you should say ' That's nice', a girl should say 'that is pretty'.
if u think shes hot
then just try 2 b nice if shes ugly and rite next 2 u
otherwise u can act disgusted but keep it 2 urself cuz anyone can tell ur feelings
All it means is picture comment 4 picture comment (pc4pc)
When your face book comment deleted by another parson you will see a triangle box picture (just like English letter A) next your name on the comment area. and when you take mus on this picture box you will see " comment deleted"
You have beautiful eyes.
If you mean 'Comment My picture' then the translation would be: Comentario de mis fotos
but brain who said no!! No.
reporting the comment or picture/post
comment ça VA? or comment ça VA les filles?
To start write your comment.Under the comment on the left in blue writing is the word 'attatch'.Click 'attatch'Pick the album the picture you want to use is in.Click the photo you want to use.The picture will now be added to your comment.Click save and your comment has been postedYou can only use pictures you have already uploaded to your profile
Tell her she has pretty eyes