Chat with our AI personalities
You should try to bond with them and they might come out. Or you could try to be sneaky and say like"Hey can I have a talk with you?" And if they agree ask questions that lead to different questions.
This is a bizarre question. And this is not a standard approach. You need to know a bit about the person in advance. I mean if she likes music then the questions need to be around music.
I like asking the following core questions
belief - tells a lot about a person in terms of the spirituality
Family values - not the family members but the values she believes in
Dreams and Passions - what ignites a person
Mood of a person - this is the most important question - are they a happy person or not
Start by asking how they are doing, then ask where they came from, and what they do for a living works well even with strangers if your just waiting in a line or something and want to get to know someone.
... Before your question, just notice her/his apparel and what they have (things), so that you have an idea of what questions will be... and soon.
what are your origins
what is your religion
what is your job
what is your hobye
were are you from, what is your name, age, height how long have you lived wherever they are living what is their favorite restaurant and food you know stuff like that
You can be like can you tell him that you wanna kno more about him or like dumb girlfriends would spy on him but DONT DO THAT..!!Aiimm Mhee Att HotGurl591 ii WiiLL Giivee uu Moree....
If they have a certain shirt on ask about it, all the things like : your fav color, ect.
Perhaps this question will be a little personal, but I sometimes ask people who I like, what are the happiest memories they have from childhood?