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Depends on the lifestyle of your family.

Do you have to go to school every morning and aren't a morning person? Go to bed at 8 on the nights before a school day and at 9 on nights before the weekend.

Are you homeschooled and have a rather relaxed schedule? Go to bed at 9 on the nights before a school day and at 9-10 on nights before the weekend.

It really does depend on your child's personality and lifestyle. Try different things. Experiment. Even try asking your child and see what they think, considering their ideas.

Good luck!

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14y ago
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13y ago

Well, I Think 11:00 Because Its Time That Your Being Mature And Grown Up

ANS2:Later than 9:00 after the child proves that he can get his chores and school work done on a consistent basis.
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13y ago

Well this all depends on your out look on life really....

What would you want you want your child to be exposed to....

I know a 8 year old who goes too bed at 19:30 and I think that is fair enough, but with what can be shown on TV after the watershed (20:00 and 21:00) I think that most children should be in bed before that.

Most families will want to spend some time alone without the kids as well, so the sooner they go to bed the better in some cases, but all in all I would say no later than 21:00 for a 10 year old....that might even be pushing it a bit.

Hope this helps,


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14y ago

It depends. If the child has school in the morning she/he should be in bed by 8:30, 9:00. But if its a weekend i would say about 10:00, 10:30.

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16y ago

The child should get at least 8 hours of sleep, so it depends on when he\she wakes up.

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13y ago

A ten year old should sleep at 10:00 where as a 12 year old should sleep at 12:00.

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16y ago

11.00 or maby 12.00 or later.

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13y ago

O think, 9 to 10 hours

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14y ago

8 pm

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