A triangle only has three sides. If you put three sticks together, you can make a triangle. If you had four sticks, you cannot make a triangle. That is why only three sticks are needed.
No because a trapezoid has 4 sides and a triangle has three if a trapezoid had three then it would be a triangle. If you had 3 trapezoids you could make a triangle!
No. A three-sided polygon is, by definition, a triangle.
Any shape that is enclosed and has three sides is a triangle.
Make a tetrahedron (three sided pyramid) Make it three dimensional. have the base be a triangle and then make three sides on it like a triangle pyramid. Triforce. ..▲ ▲ ▲
If at least two of the three lines are parallel, the three lines will not form a triangle.
You can make any triangle, quadrilateral or pentagon with three suitable triangles.
Yes, yes it is. A scalene triangle is just a triangle with three different degree values.
The three things needed to make a fire burn, what is called the Fire Triangle, are 1] oxygen 2] heat 3] fuel
take three match for each triangle