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Any threats that are carried out, as well as ones that you are emotionally disturbed by.

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Q: What threats could harm you?
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What is the difference between hazards and threats?

Hazards are potential sources of harm or danger, such as natural disasters or chemical spills, while threats are deliberate or intentional actions that could cause harm, like cyber attacks or terrorism. Hazards are typically more passive and occur due to natural or environmental factors, whereas threats involve human intent to cause harm.

Different between security and threats?

Security means feeling safe from harm. Threats are words to make you feel unsafe.

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If you are a minor, tell a parent, teacher, or other trusted person so that they can decide how to handle the situation. If you are an adult, you should contact the parents and possibly authorities about any credible threats of harm or violence. Not reporting a serious threat of violence could have serious consequences.

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"Threats to do Bodily Harm" can be an offense in FL, it depends on the elements of the offense and the circumstances.

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Do threats qualify you for a restraining order?

They could, if you can convince a judge that the threats are credible ones.

What is California Penal Code 422?

CA penal code 422 is Terrorist threats could be charged as a felony which is an automatic strike or a misdemeanor. It is a threat of death or to do great bodily harm to another person.

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There are no tips to prevent cyber-bullying, your best friend could turn around one day and start cyber-bullying you because they are jealous of what you have and what they don't.

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Physical security threats refer to risks that can harm physical assets, such as theft or vandalism, while threats to data involve risks that compromise the confidentiality, integrity, or availability of electronic information, such as hacking or malware attacks. Physical security focuses on protecting tangible items, whereas data security focuses on preserving digital information.

What are the release dates for What Could Be the Harm - 2012?

What Could Be the Harm - 2012 was released on: USA: 19 May 2012