

What things can make you taller?

Updated: 9/20/2023
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Lvl 1
12y ago

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If you have already stopped growing, your choices are either to adopt good posture (which can add about 2 inches), high shoes (or insoles), or being surgically stretched. The surgical option involves having both your legs broken at the calf and thigh, having pins inserted and stretching the gap at which your legs were broken by 1mm each day. As the bones heal, they fill in the gap. Fairly painful, and takes about a year before you can walk again. Requires desperation and dedication. (And possibly not available on the NHS, depending on how short you are).

If you are actually still growing (but just not "enough"), make sure your calorie and nutritional consumption is adequate to support growth. I.e plenty of protein, fruit, veg and carbs. It has been shown that overweight children tend to grow faster and end up taller than their average weight peers - although I'm not suggesting you should try and gain a lot of weight.

If you consider yourself to be abnormally short, it may be worth seeing a doctor just to check for any underlying causes.

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Get plenty of rest,eat good food,stay out of trouble,and be kind and helpful to others. Doing these things should help make you grow taller,and wiser,and smarter,and funnier,and well-liked. While you were waiting for this answer,I think you grew a little taller. How's that?!

What food can make you taller?

Well some foods that make you taller are; healthy foods, like vegetables and fruits. The only drink that makes you taller (well the tallest) is milk.