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Being careful means being thoughtful, cautious, guarded, thorough, accurate and the list goes on. You can read more about it in the dictionary.

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โˆ™ 14y ago
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โˆ™ 12y ago

Because if they don't they can cause potential harm to themselves or others whether it be physical, mental, or verbal

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โˆ™ 14y ago

Be well.

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Q: What the meaning of take care?
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What it is, and also how it looks ,and how good you take care of it.

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Can you say took care?

English: I took care of my mother. I took care of the car. To "take care" of something means that you will be "in charge" of making sure a task gets accomplished. You can take care of an oil change for a car meaning you will be the one who is in charge of getting it done.

What is the meaning when a man says always take care?

In the eastern part of the US, and maybe elsewhere, take care is a casual way of ending a conversation. It's like "See you later."

What is the meaning of homestead act?

if you farm a place and take good care of it you will be given that land , for free