well i know one differences is Bactria can be removed from the body. the body can't get rid of a virus. even if you are not showing symptoms of it any longer you can still be a carrier.
It isn't a virus. It's a game where you defend your game from the undead.
This is not virus!
As long as it's a safe website, nope.
yield vs ytd
.30 vs. .355
friction terminator vs predator vs jim carrey vs ironman
No one has started a fight between all the listed characters.
The meaning of person vs. person is a struggle between a person and another person.It all has to do with conflict. Person vs person is a conflict between two individuals. Person vs nature is well a conflict against nature like natural disasters. Person vs self is an inner conflict like guilt and may conflict between person vs society.
The four conflicts commonly referred to in storytelling are man vs. self, man vs. man, man vs. society, and man vs. nature. Man vs. self involves internal struggles within a character. Man vs. man focuses on conflict between individuals. Man vs. society explores clashes between a character and the norms or beliefs of society. Man vs. nature depicts struggles between characters and the environment or natural forces.
The Undertaker won He tombstoned every one in the ring
Industry vs. agriculture: (N vs. S)
The question is asking whether the comparison is between x and y or between y and x.