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The term "triage" refers to the process for prioritizing patient treatment when there are limited treatment personnel and facilities (as in a major accident or disaster). Patients are assigned a degree of urgency to decide which are treated first.

In some cases, triage means that some critically ill or injured may be given only palliative care because their survival chance is minimal even with the most immediate and aggressive treatment available.

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13y ago

The word you seek is: "Triage"

Pronounced 'tree-arge'

It was first invented in the battlefields of the Napoleonic wars, and is still used today, on the plains of Afghanistan.

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8y ago

Screening of patients to determine their priority of need or the order the should be treated is called triage.

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Q: What term means the medical screening of patients to determine their relative priority of need for treatment?
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Screening of patients to determine their priority of need for medical treatment?


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The screening of patients to determine their relative priority of need and the proper place of treatment?

Triage (tree-AHZH)

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Medical screening to determine the priority of treatment?

i dont know, I would like to know the answer

What means the medical screening of patients to determine their relative priority of need for treatment?

The term "triage" refers to the process for prioritizing patient treatment when there are limited treatment personnel and facilities (as in a major accident or disaster). Patients are assigned a degree of urgency to decide which are treated first. In some cases, triage means that some critically ill or injured may be given only palliative care because their survival chance is minimal even with the most immediate and aggressive treatment available.

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arrange or do in an order of priority

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In the order in which you received them, this makes the answering system fair

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They're obligated to give Amtrak 'preferential' treatment, not priority.

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the first priority is to establish the flow of oxygenated blood to the brain. The next priority is to restore normal rhythm to the heart.

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