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You mean other than your health? Yeah, just about everyone around you that might not smoke (or even smokers) breathing the same air as well are in jeopardy of the so called second hand smoke.

And I use to smoke, so I would say; yeah I can relate to the question being asked.

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the system that is damage most when smoking tobacco is the respiratory system

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Q: What system is damage most when smoking tobacco?
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Is it legal to harm your own health by smoking tobacco products?

It is legal to smoke tobacco in most places.

What are the benefits of smoking homegrown tobacco?

It is most likely cheaper to smoke home grown tobacco and you know exactly what is in it

Why is it that most tobacco executives don't smoke?

Most likely it is because they know smoking is unhealthy.

Is smoking tobacco worse for your health than drinking alcohol?

Most definitley.

What are smoking pipes used for?

Smoking pipes are used for a variety of things. They are most commonly used for smoking pipe tobacco, but there are many who use them to smoke marijuana.

What is in tobacco to make people keep smoking?

Nicotine, one of the most highly-addictive substances known.

How are some ways to get mouth cancer?

There are many ways to get mouth cancer, but the most common way is by smoking or using smoking tobacco. Look at WebMD for symptoms.

Will pipe tobacco cause lung cancer?

yes it will. the burning and smoking of tobacco and most other plant material introduces DNA mutagens to the cells of your lungs, causing cancer. Also pipe tobacco is not intended for lung inhalation, mainly mouth

What does tobacco do to the heart?

tobacco itself is mostly harmless. the heart is not likely to take damage from tobacco at all. the most dangerous about tobacco is the added chemicals. most common in use is perfume and mild painkiller so your throat won't get sore.

Where can one learn facts about tobacco?

The Tobacco free Florida and the cancer websites have vast information on tobacco. Most places in the U.S have no smoking permitted in public places. Tobacco is deadly to smokers but also passive smoke has shown problems.

What types of cancer can you get from tobacco products?

Tobacco products are known to contain numerous carcinogens (cancer-causing agents), which can increase the risk of developing various types of cancer. Some of the most common types of cancer associated with tobacco use include: Lung Cancer: Smoking is the leading cause of lung cancer, accounting for the majority of cases. The carcinogens in tobacco smoke can damage lung tissue and lead to the development of cancerous tumors. Bladder Cancer: Tobacco use, particularly smoking, is a significant risk factor for bladder cancer. Chemicals from tobacco can be absorbed into the bloodstream, filtered by the kidneys, and excreted in urine, potentially damaging the lining of the bladder and increasing cancer risk. Cancer of the Mouth, Throat, and Esophagus: Smoking and smokeless tobacco use (such as chewing tobacco and snuff) are associated with an increased risk of cancers of the mouth, throat (pharynx), and esophagus. Carcinogens in tobacco products can come into direct contact with the lining of these areas, leading to cellular changes and cancer development. Pancreatic Cancer: Tobacco use is a known risk factor for pancreatic cancer. The chemicals in tobacco smoke can damage the pancreas and increase the likelihood of cancerous growths. Kidney Cancer: Smoking has been linked to an increased risk of kidney cancer. Carcinogens from tobacco can be filtered by the kidneys, where they may accumulate and contribute to cancer development. Stomach Cancer: Tobacco use, particularly smoking, has been associated with an elevated risk of stomach cancer. The carcinogens in tobacco can affect the stomach lining and increase susceptibility to cancer. Liver Cancer: Although less commonly recognized, tobacco use has been linked to an increased risk of liver cancer. While the exact mechanisms are not fully understood, tobacco-related inflammation and damage to liver tissue may contribute to cancer development. Cervical Cancer: Tobacco use, particularly smoking, has been implicated as a risk factor for cervical cancer. Chemicals in tobacco smoke may affect the immune system's ability to fight off human papillomavirus (HPV) infection, a known cause of cervical cancer. These are just a few examples of the cancers associated with tobacco use. Quitting smoking and avoiding all forms of tobacco products are crucial steps in reducing the risk of developing these and other tobacco-related cancers. Additionally, early detection through regular screenings and medical check-ups can improve outcomes for individuals at risk.

When you smoke a blunt you get a headache why?

The most likely reason is that it's the nicotine headrush from the blunt wrap. These are made from tobacco leaves, and if you aren't used to smoking tobacco, it can give you a headache.