It isn't. A stroke is a cardiovascular event that CAN (might) affect the nervous system, specifically, the brain. If so, then it CAN (might) affect the muscular system through where the damage occurred in the brain. Stroke CAN (might) affect speech and memory as well. But stroke is still a cardiovascular event.
The Nervous System.
It affects the nervous system. It affects both those systems along with many others. It effects the endocrine system, because the hypothalamus and the pituitary gland, both secreting organs in the endocrine system, are located in the brain. If a stroke were to occur in those regions, the hypothalamus or the pituitary gland would not be able to secrete the hormones needed to keep homeostasis. The brain also controls the nervous system. So, a stroke does affect both.
A transient ischemic attack mini-stroke will affect al the other body system due to the neurological dysfunction. This will affect the blood flow but it is usually restored within a short period of time.Ê
The performance of a pneumatic system is dependent upon the air displaced or handled, which is directly proportional to the stroke and diameter. In other words, it is to be considered like a cylinder whose volume increases with diameter and length.
Lowers stroke volume
Plunger stroke is the speed on the engine. This is the injection system on a diesel.
Having a stroke.
Using a hand to stroke a cat, dog or rabbit, is reputed to have a calming affect on a human.
A stroke primarily affects the nervous system, specifically the brain and can impact various functions such as movement, speech, and cognition. It can also affect other organ systems indirectly through complications such as cardiovascular issues or respiratory problems.
By definition a stroke affects the brain by blocking small arteries that carry blood to the cells and deliver nutrients and oxygen. These become blocked and the cells that the artery is leading to, die. A similar thing happens when arteries to the heart muscle cells that are blocked causing a heart attack.