If you mean high temperature in the environment then some symptoms can be heat stroke, sweating which can cause dehydration, and cardiac arrest.
If you mean as a fever then some symptoms are high fever, the rising and lowering of the body's temperature, getting the "chills" and some say a fever can cause brain damage.
Rash, high Temperature and fever
what are the symptons of high cholesterol what are the symptons of high cholesterol what are thr sympotons of high cholesterol
yes overdose painkiller can cause high temperature n other side effects alsoo
High Temperature and high PH value.
There are many things that could cause your exhaust temperature to be high. Your exhaust may be plugged for example.
If a child's only symptom is a high temperature, it means you have not been looking in the right place for the cause of the high temperature.
High temperature and high pressure.
High pressure and high temperature cause rocks to undergo metamorphism, where they are subjected to changes in mineral composition, texture, and structure. This process can result in the formation of new minerals and the reorganization of existing ones, leading to the development of metamorphic rocks.
The movement of molecules and collisions are increased at high temperature.
Too high a temperature
This is possible, yes.You could also check the ignition coil, this will cause the same symptons.
the temperature is hot