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Q: What symbiotic relationship is most like a predator- prey relationship?
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What symbiotic relationship is most like the predator and prey relationship?


What symbiosis relationship is most like a predator-pray relationship?

parasitism. :D

What do Anemone Crabs eat?

No. Hermit crabs and sea anemones have a symbiotic relationship that is not the typical prey/predator relationship of most organisms.

What is symbiotic relationship in plants?

Plants make and propagate with seeds. It isn't a symbiotic relationship since that is inter-species. Many plants have symbiotic relationships with insects (bees and flowers). link on symbiosis:

Is the host harmed in symbiotic relationship?

No. Most often the host is not bothered and sometimes it is helped.

How is symbiotic relationship different from predators prey relationship?

A symbiotic relationship involves 2 species livingtogether. Mutualism is when both benefit. Commensalism is when one benefits without harming the other. Parasitism is when one species benefits while harming--but not killing--the other. An example of parasitism would be a tick on a dog. If the dog died, it would stop pumping blood for the tick to consume. In predator-prey relationships, most often one party must die for the other to benefit.

Explain how symbiotic relationships are similar and different from predator-prey interactions?

Both symbiotic relationships and predator-prey interactions involve interactions between different species. However, symbiotic relationships are mutualistic or commensal, benefiting one or both species involved, while predator-prey interactions are antagonistic, benefiting one species (predator) at the expense of the other (prey). In symbiotic relationships, the species involved often coevolve to depend on each other, whereas in predator-prey interactions, there is a constant arms race to outwit each other for survival.

Are symbiotic relationships part of an organisms niche?

Yes, an organisms niche essentially includes being in a symbiotic relationship because the niche is the role the organism plays or what it contributes to it's ecosystem therefore being in a symbiotic relationship in part of the role it plays and how it contributes.

Is it true that Predator-prey is the most important type of ecological relationship?

No it is not true.

What are the Predator-prey relationships in Fiji islands?

There are different forms of the predator-prey relationships in Fiji islands. The mountain lion and deer is the most common type of predator-prey relationship.

do coyotes and rabbits that live in the same area have a predator prey relationship?

Yes, if coyotes and rabbits share a habitat, they will most definitely have a predator/prey relationship. That is the coyotes will eat the rabbits every chance they can get, and there will be chances.

What is the Australian Owlet Nightjars predator?

It most likely has no predator just like other owls.