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Q: What sweeps mucus down your throat?
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What oes mucus do to food?

Mucus helps the chewed food "bolus" slide down the esaphugus "throat".

What does throat drainage and a stuffy nose mean?

It means that mucus from the sinuses has gathered in the nose, effectively blocking it, and run down into the throat.

Why do you get a sore throat for having a fan blowing on you?

Because the fan dries out your throat therefor it is sore the next morning

Where is mucus secreted in the alimentary canal?

Mucus is secreted so that peristalsis can occur and can slide easily down you throat.

What is thick mucus in the throat?


What does it mean when you have fluid building up in the back of your throat but you cant cough it up?

The liquid that is building up at the back of the throat is actually mucus (sometime referred to as phlegm). This symptom is known as post nasal drip. Post Nasal Drip results due to your body being unable to get rid of mucus regularly, usually due to nasal or sinus congestion. Thus the mucus is forced down the back of the throat. When the mucus become trapped in the sinuses/nose it gets thicker, and it is this thicker tenacious mucus that is getting stuck on the back of your throat. You can try mucinex or sinuswars2 to treat this problem. Post Nasal Drip foten also causes throat irritation, throat infection and chronic coughs.

Where does the cila send the mucus?

The cilia sends the mucus to the throat to be swallowed. Hope this helps!

Could having sinus cause you to spit up blood?

It is possible that you could spit up blood if you have post nasal drip and your mucus membranes are damaged. Basically post nasal drip is the drainage of mucus down the back of the throat because your sinuses are congested. Thus the body is unable to control the production and flow of mucus. Many people cough up this mucus as it bothers their throat and can even lead to a sore throat. So when your mucus membranes are damaged they can bleed, normally this would lead to a nose bleed, but if the sinuses are congested the blodd can drain down the back of the throat (post nasally) with the mucus. I would definitely sugest that you treat your post nasal drip, sinus congestion and damaged mucus membranes. You can visit for more information on the three conditions. Or alternatively you can visit

What structure sweeps mucus and pathogens from the nasal cavities and trachea to the pharynx?

Beating ciliated epithelial cells

Are the symptom cold like symptoms such as sore throat or green mucus?

the green mucus is snott thiko

Where is mucus in the nasal cavity?

In the throat, or in this case before the pharynx.

Feeling like have mucus in your throat that need to swallow?

you smell