Frankie Martin was born in 1908.
Frankie Boyle's birth name is Francis Martin Patrick Boyle.
The reason Hector was shooting at Frankie was because Frankie crippled Hector's brother. He did this by stepping into his stomach at a party. Shooting at Frankie, Hector missed and shot Martin's little brother Huero. After Martin found out that was the reason his little brother got shot seeked revenge on Frankie and Hector.
The Steve Martin Brothers was created in 1980.
martin luna brother is shot and killed and they try to get revenge on who ever did it and later discovered who did it and the bullet wasnt ment for huero it was ment for frankie.
no B.B. king is not a brothers with martin luther king jr.
Martin hit Frankie with Huero bat
Martin Steingesser has written: 'Brothers of morning'