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There are various substances that animals release to the environment. Carbon dioxide is one of substances which is then taken in by plants for purposes of photosynthesis.

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Q: What substances to animals release to the environment?
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What substances do animals release into the environment?

All animals release carbon dioxide by breathing.All animals, humans included, release food waste.Cattle and other ruminant animals release methane from both ends, but mostly from the front.

What substances do the plants release to the environment?


What substance to animals release to the environment?

Animals release carbon dioxide when they breathe. They also release fese (poop) into the environment.

Does plastic substances releases any harmful substances when it exposes to sunlight?

Yes, when plastic substances are exposed to sunlight, they can release harmful substances such as BPA or phthalates. These chemicals may leach out of the plastic material and enter the surrounding environment, potentially causing harm when ingested or absorbed by humans or animals.

How do animals release phosphate to the environment?

Through their dung.

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Houseflies are quite useful to the environment as they help in decomposing of substances. They are also used as food by certain animals on earth.

How are these substances passed on from one organism to another?

Substances can be passed on from one organism to another through various ways such as ingestion, inhalation, or absorption. For example, predators consume prey to obtain nutrients, plants release chemicals that are inhaled by animals, and some organisms absorb nutrients from their environment.

How do plants and animals affect the environment?

they release methane gas and co2

What is the definition of nuclear pollution?

nuclear pollution is the type of pollution caused due to the release of radioactive substances in the environment

Chemicals that must be reported if released into the environment are consided to be hazardous substances by?

Chemicals that must be reported if released into the environment are considered hazardous substances by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in the United States. These substances can pose a risk to human health or the environment, and their release must be reported to ensure proper handling and response measures are taken.

Brief Details on pollution?

Pollution involves any action that introduces harmful substances into the environment, which contaminate land, air, or water. These contaminants released into the environment also can affect humans and animals.

What is naturally substances?

Naturally occurring substances are materials that are found in the environment and are not synthesized or manufactured by humans. These substances can include minerals, plants, animals, and elements found in nature. Examples include water, air, rocks, and trees.