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Q: What substances are good for your vocal chords?
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What health or physical do you have to have to be a singer?

Good vocal chords!

How do vocal chords work?

i think vocal chords work when the flaps of the vocal chords are pushed together to make a noise, then your mouth forms it into words.

When are your vocal chords tensed up?

Your vocal chords are tense during the inhalation

Why don't animals have vocal chords?

Animals do have vocal cords, which are a crucial part of their anatomy for producing sounds. However, the structure and function of vocal cords can vary among different species and may not be as developed as in humans. Some animals, like birds, have specialized structures such as syrinx for vocalization instead of vocal cords.

When you talk what vibrates in your throat?

Vocal Chords

Do conures have vocal chords?

Conure Parrots do not have vocal chords like a human. Conure Parrots have vocal folds in a structure called the syrinx, not in the laranyx like a humans does.

Does vocal rest mean absolutely no talking?

It just means don't stress your vocal chords, no yelling, screaming, or anything that might cause damage to your vocal chords.

How Does A Person Sing?

with their vocal chords

What singer had an operation on his vocal chords?

British singer Adele had an operation on her vocal cords in 2011 due to a vocal cord hemorrhage.

What structure contains the vestibular and vocal folds?

The larynx is the structure that contains both the vestibular folds (false vocal cords) and the vocal folds (true vocal cords). The vestibular folds are higher up in the larynx and help to protect the vocal folds during swallowing, while the vocal folds are responsible for producing sound.

Why do your vocal chords lengthen?

Puberty. The longer your vocal cords get the deeper your voice.

How many vocal chords does a cat have?

A cat has two vocal cords, like humans. These cords are located in the larynx, or voice box, and they vibrate when the cat vocalizes to produce sounds.