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1. if they swallow a household item (raid, Clorox, soap, ect.) read label to see what to do.

2. Call poison control Immediately! United States: 1-800-222-1222

3. if person has collapsed or stopped breathing call 911

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Q: What steps should you take if someone has swallowed a poisonous substance?
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Consult a doctor? It may be poisonous!!

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Due to the complex nature of toxicology, It is impossible to say what should or should not be done without knowing the poison. that being said, NEVER attempt to give anything orally to someone who is unconscious.

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Yes, if it gets into your system. It's a heavy metal and is poisonous of it enters the bloodstream. It is ok to handle in solid form, but should not be swallowed, protection should also be taken if it is melted.

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If a horse swallowed hydrated lime, you should call a equine vet immediately as this is an emergency situation. Hydrated lime is highly caustic and toxic to both animals and humans, ingestion of the substance could be fatal if not seen to immediately.

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To remove the poisonous substance from a buckeye nut, you can soak the nut in water for several hours or boil it multiple times, changing the water each time. This process can help leach out the toxins from the nut. However, it's important to note that buckeye nuts are generally considered toxic and should not be consumed.

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It is poisonous.It is poisonous.

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If your son swallowed washing up liquid, call emergency services immediately for guidance. Do not induce vomiting unless instructed by medical professionals, as this can worsen the situation. Keep the container of the substance for reference.

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If you see a poisonous frog, stay away from it or else.