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half an inch diameter


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Q: What size is the eardrum?
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How do you tell if a Gray Tree Frog is a boy or girl?

you know by the size of the eardrum,if the eardrum is bigger than the eye it a boy and if the eardrum is smaller its a girl.

How big is elephants eardrum?

An elephant's eardrum can vary in size depending on the species, but on average, it can be as large as 10-12 cm (4-5 inches) in diameter. The eardrum, also known as the tympanic membrane, plays a crucial role in an elephant's ability to hear low-frequency sounds over long distances.

What does the eardrum protect?

the eardrum protect the middle and inner ear.

Does the eardrum absorb or transmit sound?

Well in your eardrum there is a speaker

Eardrum why is called the eardrum?

because the flap looks like a drum

What does the eardrum do?

The function of the eardrum is to transmit sound and amplify vibration.

What energy is related yo your eardrum?

Sonic (sound) energy is related to your eardrum.

Is the ear canal the same as the eardrum?

No, the ear canal and the eardrum are different structures in the ear. The ear canal is a tube that carries sound to the eardrum, a thin layer of tissue that vibrates in response to sound waves. The eardrum separates the outer ear from the middle ear.

What is the s shaped tube leading to the eardrum?

The auditory canal allows sound to get to the eardrum.

What is the medical term for a frogs eardrum?

The tympanic membrane .

What tube permits soundwaves to reach the eardrum?

The auditory canal allows sound to get to the eardrum.

What is the medical term meaning record of the eardrum?

Tympanogram is the medical term for a record of the eardrum.