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98.2 is the average temperature, but people can have temps of a few degrees off that and still be fine if that is their normal body temp. At 108 the average person would die.

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Q: What should your body tempreture be?
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Octopus type of body tempreture?

21C to 78C

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No, the average body tempreture is 98.6 degrees fahrenheit.

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Under the toungue, Under the arm, In the rectum and Liver tempreture.

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this is because you have to maintaion the core body tempreture

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heat is a form of energy a while tempreture is a measure of how hot an object is.

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Do boys have higher body temperature than girls?

your body tempreture does'nt vary depending on your gender it is just that if your body becomes too hot (over 35 degerees) or to cold (under 35 degrees) the process thermoregulatin will kick in, in your bodily system and keep it to a regular tempreture

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