SOAP AND WATER. Other additives do nothing to improve the cleanliness of the body, just the smell..which wears off fairly quickly.
I think you should first wash your. The dirt fromthe hair will be over your body & then you can wash your body.. :-)
well hand wash is to wash your hands and body wash is to wash your body but you could use both of them for the same thing.
Every other day. you shouldn't over wash your body! if you do all your natural oils will be gone. But if you do a sport that is a different story... you should take a shower every day to get that nasty sweat off your body:)
No, definitely not, they should use proper dog shampoo.
You should try out a body wash for sensitive skin. There are many available in the market. Try Dettol's Sensitive antibacterial one. It is good.
Take her body out and dispose of it. and wash your hands.
You have hair there? Hmm. Old Spice Hair and Body Wash may clean you, but you should also see a doctor.
i always use baby body wash and it never bothers her skin
The dove body wash will moisturise like lotion.
Wash it just like when you wash the rest of your body.
No you can't use human soap, you should use soap made for small animals like guinea pigs.
wash your body and wash your hair