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Q: What should you do when your head and body ache?
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head ache ,unwell breathing,

Can your body hurt from coughing too hard?

Yes, coughing too hard can strain the muscles in your chest and abdomen, causing pain. It can also irritate the throat and airways, leading to soreness and discomfort. In some cases, excessive coughing can even result in rib fractures or exacerbate existing conditions like asthma.

Could you eat 550 calories for dinner?

no if you do it will affect your body. you will be dizzt get a head ache and suffer do not try it

Do you have to love your parents?

no but you should because they brought you to life and loved you when you were born even when you gave them a head ache.

What is Karpoora tailam?

karpoora tailam is liquefied camphor which is used for medicinal purpose in india to get rid of body-pains and head ache

Can you form the sentence on ache?

As l hurried into the room l bumped my head on the wall, it was so great that the ache on my head would not stop

Why does all the joints on left side of my body crack and are stiff and ache from head to toe?

Our bodies can experience joint cracking, stiffness, and aching for various reasons such as poor posture, muscle imbalances, lack of movement, or underlying conditions like arthritis or inflammation. It's important to consult with a healthcare professional to determine the exact cause and receive appropriate treatment or recommendations for improving your symptoms. Regular stretching, strengthening exercises, and proper ergonomic adjustments may also help alleviate some of the discomfort.

Why do you ache?

people normally ache because of pain or something that has hit , sratched or touched them and it hertz them because of their body format.** It depends on the body part were different things ache . because we're all different and we all itch and ache in different areas of our body a format or matter of the DOC. body!DOC.--- doctor body!

How do you get out of going to a baseball game?

fake a head ache

Does volleyball help you get rid of a head ache?

Yes, it does.

What causes a dull ache in back of head?


Why did you get a bad back of the neck ache after argument?

It's caused by heavy stress, it is very commen to get a neck and head ache in the back of your head towards your neck when you are stressed