This is a very interesting question, and it happens to me a lot.
Usually, I do not need to be concerned about this, because I sleep through the night. I can sleep for 12 hours, and not wake up to go to the bathroom at all. That usually means I am running to the bathroom when I wake up, though.
Sometimes, though, I wake up in the middle-of-the night because I cannot sleep. I am so sleepy that I just can't get up or do anything.
What I would do is just make a mad dash to the bathroom.
Make up your mind.
pee standing up....
Well i would train my boy like i trained my baby cousin, He was wearing diapers and he told me that he is going to go pee put at that time he was playing in the sand box and i thought, oh this might bee the time and i said no dont yet and i took off his diaper and i said now pee! He pees in the sand! That was 6 years ago when he was 4! now he is 10 and he doesnt enjoy peeing inside! I prefer for potty training a boy to pee standing up because, if you taught him to pee like a sissy and he is hiking in the woods when he is 10 and he has to pee! would he want to stand up on a tree or hold it like a sissy? I dont pee inside! i pee on my shed because i drew a sharpy urinal on there for me when i was 3!
It should not - but I would not want to bet on it.
If you dont want to smoke, which by the way, smoking is horrible for your health and to your beauty, then yes you should break up with him. You should never let a guy pressure you into something that you dont want to do. I tell you this from experience.
because i dont want to give up
I dont know but it happens to me😳
its up to the people if they dont mine and if they want there house dirty
because you can be a b****
its up to the people if they dont mine and if they want there house dirty
If you really dont want to break up- then dont! Dont forget: there is always long ditance relations. There is always AIMing, phone, and you could meet up on days that you have the time. If you really love tham, then sacraficing the drive WILL be worth it.
Depends.... Do you fart a little when you pee a little little?Answer: no...i guess not. so healthy i dont get wtf is up wit all the pressure on my insides??? also it kind of hurts whenever i start to pee...i dont have an STD or a UTI i checked already. help?