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what you should do for a bad stomache?

Is get water and sip it slowly and a little at a time if that doesn't work go to the pharmacy and ask if they have miralax its not something you have to ask the doctor for its right over the counter. If that doesn't work i think you should go to the doctor for a answer because it could be from not being able to go to the bath room

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Q: What should you do when you have a bad stomache?
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What should you do for a bad stomache?

If you are suffering from a bad stomach ache after eating too much food, it is best to lie down and allow some time for digestion. If the stomach ache is a symptom of an illness like the cold, eat light, plain foods like crackers to help settle it.

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i would say the bladder or the stomache(from its stomache acid)

How do you get rid of a bad stomache?

if you want to get rid of a bad stomache then you should go to any drug store and go up to the counter and ask for miralax you dont need to call in early for it. If it gets worst go to the doctor like i did and ask for ferther instructions. i kn ow one time my friend couldnt go to the bathroom and she didnt know it so it got worse so i would do what i said before it gets worst wait 2 to 3 days then go get medicine if it dosent get better go to the doctor.

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We cannot answer specific medical questions. You should visit a doctor.

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bad food enter my stomache i can't answer it but my tree is bigger then my cat is and it might be my talking toilet But Americans suck they are dead Just Joking

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Well, your dog might be fat, bloated or have serious worms in which case you should see a vet.

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